Peter Kim

Hey, welcome to my page.

This is Peter Kim, an Electrical Engineering student at the University of British Columbia. Most of my days are spent analyzing circuits and experimenting with microcontrollers.

When I'm free, I enjoy watching movies, taking long walks, and studying investments!

Interstellar(2014) by Christopher Nolan

Developing firmware at UBC Sailbot for a communication module that provides control and computation abilities for an autonomous sailboat.

Led an engineering design team from 2022 to 2024, increasing its project budget by 50%. Read our annual report and prospectus if you would like to know more about the team!

→ Archive (2020~2023)

Energy Forecasting
Led the study of energy usage intensity forecasting for Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference 2024. The code for this research can be accessed here.

IS & M
Led the design of New Westminster neighborhoods for reGENERATE Ideas Challenge 2024.

Led the design of a smart home system for US Solar Decathlon 2023.

Led the design of a construction logistics app for CIC Student Competition 2022.

Developed a virtual assistant using vosk STT and google TTS.

Produced and edited an advertisement video for a smart-band.
Smith and Andersen
As an Electrical Co-op, I was responsible for drafting and designing electrical systems for residential buildings, including power, lighting and fire alarm systems.

→ Involvement

• Low-Rise Design Manual
• Maplewood Garden (SLD + P, L & FA design)
• King George Tower (Load Calc. + P, L & FA design)
• Laval Square (Load Calc.)
• VAHA Apartments (Load Calc.)
• Isabella Residences (Lighting Coord. + P, L & FA design)
• Univ. of Waterloo Residence (Mech. Coord.)
• OAK & 37th (P, L & FA design)
• The Steller (P, L & FA design)

Weir Motion Metrics
As a Hardware Systems Co-op, I was responsible for testing both the electrical and software systems of the products. My role later extended to writing new assembly manuals and updating out-dated BOMs, as well as streamlining the manufacturing processes.

→ Involvement

• Order Management Tool
• Storage Labelling System
• ShovelMetrics (Test + Manual & BOM)
• RS232 - RS422 Converter (Test + Manual & BOM)
• Power Supplies (Test)
ELEC 481: Economic Analysis (92%)
Financial analysis of engineering operations. [Paper]

ELEC 391: Design Studio II (89%)
Design and implement digital communication system on DE1-SoC [Code]

ELEC 311: Electromagnetism II (95%)
Waves and propagation; Maxwell’s equations; applications including transmission lines. [Note]

ELEC 291: Design Studio I (89%)
Designing games using capacitive properties of a circuit; building a metal detecting robot [Code]

ELEC 202: Circuit Analysis II (92%)
Phasor analysis and AC three phase power; Laplace transforms; transformers; transfer functions; 2nd order circuits. [Note]